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How to Finally Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Today I've brought in my private trainer Ashley Armstrong to give you some tips on holding yourself accountable when it comes to your fitness this year. 

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I'm really happy to be joined today by my amazing private trainer, Ashley Armstrong.
I wanted to feature Ashley because I have found so much value in my life and in my physical state by final investing in a private trainer. When I turned 40 (many years ago), I knew I'd always have a goal of exercising three times a week and that it would never happen. I have a coach who holds me accountable in my business, and I decided it was finally time to invest in someone to hold me accountable for training. I pay her to hold me accountable, I show up, and I perform.
I've found that I'm stronger all over, mentally and physically, and I love Ashley for that.
I wanted to bring Ashley on today since it's a new year and I want to help you get off on the right foot and be accountable in your fitness routine. She's got some tips for holding yourself accountable.
As Ashley says, we feel kind of silly making New Year's resolutions because it's so cliche. However, we do it because it works. Come up with some goals that are both measurable and attainable, she says. You want to challenge yourself and do so in a measurable way. Don't just say 'I want to lose weight.' How much weight do you want to lose and by when? Giving yourself deadlines make them true goals.
When you get one healthy habit in your life on track, the others tend to follow.
She added that joining a gym is the best way to stay accountable since you're investing money into it. Our habits tend to follow our money, Ashley points out. Ashley's gym Sky offers both childcare and classes. The classes hold you accountable by having set times, and you have to do the things that the instructor is telling you to do. They also have a weight loss competition called Sky 180 a couple times a year. The next one starts at the end of January and offers a meal plan. It's a team weight loss competition, so you'll be motivated even more for the team effort, and not just yourself.
Of course, the best way to be accountable is to hire a private trainer. They can watch your form, help you develop goals, and help you with nutrition coaching, which is always important to include with your exercise.
I know that when my body feels stronger, I feel more productive in life. As Ashley says, healthy habits overlap each other. Sometimes, when you get one part of your life back on track, the others tend to follow.
If you'd like to learn more from Ashley, check out her page on the the Meet the Trainers section on I'd also be happy to put you in contact with her.
As always, if you need anything at all, you can always give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to helping you!